I came across a nice quote the other day, 'The happiest people donot necessarily have the best of all. They simply appreciate what they find on their way'.
Interesting huh? And yes, how true, if you were to just ponder a little more... A lot of times, it is believed that if we bought a new gadget or a new outfit or expensive car or built your dream house, it would give you the much anticipated happiness. One gets used to material things. And you are after for more. You now own this gadget and the excitement and thrill you felt on the first and second day doesnot exist after a few months. Infact, you come to hear and see of better and more sophisticated and affordable gadgets in the market. And lo! wish you waited and bought this new one. A new outfit, something you wear a few times and it just becomes an addition in your existing wardrobe and you are on the look out for a better looking outfit that could define you amidst a crowd. You spend a huge amount of money on building this dream mansion or house and if you don't have a pleasant or compatible relationship with the members of the household, whats the point in living in this beautiful house, which is not really a home due to all the conflicts.
If the prospect of the chase after material objects became less of a concern and if one's energies were concentrated in the simple things in life, its certain one would feel lighter and more happier. If time is taken to just observe and appreciate all your blessings, to pay importance to your loved ones and give them your time, and support, appreciate your morning tea or coffee, the food on the table, to speak gently and kindly, to do one good deed for someone everday, to talk to your parents, your spouse, your children and spend quality time with them, will give immense joy.
Making time to meet up with your friends which your busy schedule prevents you from. All this will give immense happiness. Happiness that material objects cannot give.
It shouldn't matter if your neighbour or cousin has a better car, or better furniture or earns a bigger salary or their children get higher grades in class. Does it bother when you look at the perfect physique of your favourite actor or even your friend or colleague and it disappoints you that your physique is no where near that? You can water your own grass and keep it green. Maybe you have a smaller car or use the public transport system, furniture thats 10 years old. Well so what? Maybe your child is not brilliant in maths or his marks are in the 60's. But does that cause a lot of unhappiness? Then you should see physically handicapped people who perhaps can never climb a bus or drive a car, people who live in homes with hardly any furniture, people who are displaced in war torn areas who live in tents, children who are austistic or mentally retarded who can never go to a regular school. Eating right and exercising maynot give you a perfect figure like you see of models in magazines, but it sure will keep you healthy. A person suffering from cancer or Aids wouldn't be interested in physical beauty, he or she would only be praying and wishing hard to recover miraculously from the illness.
Appreciate all the little good that come in the way. Living simple and being grateful for all the blessings and not bitter and depressed about what you don't have in life, can contribute to the experience of happiness in a way that would change your life for the better.
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