If the day had more than 24 hours, a lot more could be done or there would more time to sleep or relax. But since it isn't the case, one has to suffice with and do whatever one wants in 24 hours. Every day you have this allowance of 24 hours and sometimes you wish it flew by quickly and sometimes you wish the day shouldn't end. In my case, the 24 hours I get, speeds by ever so quickly. Everyday your experiences within 24 hours is never the same as any previous set. What you chose to think, say and do, the varied choices you make conciously or subconsciously, wisely or foolishly, selflessly or selfishly, caringly or uncaringly, intelligently or unintelligently, kindly or unkindly decides your tomorrow, decides your relationships, in short makes or mars.
Whatever be it, you are given a fresh, a whole new set of 24 hours each day to sow your seeds and reap your harvest.
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